The 4 “Secret” Superfoods That Eliminate Fat Fast
The foods we eat trigger the metabolic process and require an expenditure of energy to digest, absorb and transport the food’s nutrients to our body’s cells. This overall process of stimulation is known as the thermic effect of food, or TEF. It is estimated that 5 to 10 percent of our body’s daily energy requirements go into processing the foods we eat.
It’s true that not all foods are created equal and certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect, so that you literally scorch calories as you chew. Other foods, on the other hand, contain nutrients and compounds that stoke your metabolic fire.
In this article we will present an amazing combination of little-known, “secret” superfoods that can give your body what it takes to melt fat off in record time. These ancient superfoods will not only help you lose weight, but also enjoy a renewed feeling of youthful energy and vitality.
While most of the “so-called” foods in the modern, Western civilization are largely “garbage”, containing varying levels of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical flavorings, chemical colorings, preservatives, and peculiar animal by-products, these four powerful superfoods have the potential to transform your body in just a few days, and, used appropriately, can leave you looking and feeling like a whole new person in a matter of weeks.
Without further ado let’s look at these four superfoods.
— Maca: A cancer-fighting plant found in the Andes Mountains of Bolivia and Peru. It balances the endocrine system and fights back against stress – it is also used as an alternative to caffeine with minimal side effects. It has a rich and mild, nutty flavor.
— Vanilla: Vanilla adds flavor without spiking your insulin, which is described as your “fat storing hormone”. It is a powerful antioxidant and exhibits antibacterial properties. Its fragrance can make you feel spiked and alert.
— Cocoa: Considered “the ancient food of the Incan gods” it is rich in health-enhancing phytonutrients like polyphenols, similar to the antioxidants found in red wine.
— Chia: Chia seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, even more so than flax seeds. And chia has another advantage over flax: chia is so rich in antioxidants that chia seeds don’t deteriorate and can be stored for long periods without becoming rancid. And, unlike flax, they do not have to be ground to make their nutrients available to the body. Here are some other chia seed nutrition facts: Chia seeds provide fiber (25 grams give you 6.9 grams of fiber), one cup has 4.9 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, and there’s also 4 grams of protein and 17% of your daily calcium needs. They add a creamy texture to smoothies.
Don’t worry though – these superfoods are not only good for your health but also for your taste. They are delicious and probably taste much better than things that come out of boxes and cans, and they’re completely free of the harmful preservatives and other additives that are slowly making you fat and sick.
These superfoods are mouthwatering natural marvels that replenish your body. Combined with water-rich fruits that will wake your taste buds from their slumber, they provide you with all the natural amino acids, sugars, vitamins, and mineral salts your body craves on a cellular level.
If you want to know exactly how to use these 4 “secret” superfoods to enjoy better health, lose weight and feel fantastic you should look at our featured diet program, the “Red Smoothie Detox Factor”. The “Red Smoothie Detox Factor” will explain in depth how and why these superfoods will help you burn fat, recharge your body, detoxify your entire system, and regain youthful vitality.
…AND MORE! You will…
✓ Access dozens of healthy and delicious recipes!
✓ Enjoy an easy-to-follow clean eating 21-day eating plan!
✓ Learn tricks and tips for preparing healthy foods to power you through each day!
✓ Maximize your fat loss with Liz’s tips and tricks!
✓ Never feel hungry again!
✓ Get rid of belly bloating, constipation, low energy, brain fog, and more!
✓ Easily follow the program, which includes precise instructions on what to eat and do to optimize weight loss!
✓ Learn which toxic substances you’re eating now and how to avoid them!
Sophia is our amazing “Health – Fitness – Wellness” section manager and also the manager of our “Healthy Eating – Healthy Living” Newsletter. No wonder she is passionate about adhering to a healthy way of living. She is excited to be writing and sharing great information on making healthy choices and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.