Dedicated to Promoting Quality of Living


flow : dev&mark ( is a professional site that receives compensation every time a visitor purchases a product via a link on the site. This compensation is necessary for this website to operate – this compensation DOES NOT affect or in any way alter our commitment in promoting ONLY quality products. Also, this compensation DOES NOT mean you have to pay a higher price for the product, on the contrary – since we have a relationship with the companies we affiliate with, and whose products we choose to promote, we are occasionally able to offer better deals and bigger discounts to our visitors who make a purchase via a link on our site.

The trust you place on us, by purchasing one of our featured products, is our most valued possession and we would not, in any way, risk to lose it. Building and maintaining trust with our subscribers and our visitors is of the highest importance. That is why we test each product thoroughly and choose to promote only the very best and only those that meet high quality standards. 

We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.

The descriptions of the products are meant to present the products in a positive light but, at the same time, realistically represent the actual product that you are going to get should you decide to purchase.

We are, also, a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


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