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How To Lose The Most Weight In 3 Weeks (Healthily And Naturally)

How To Lose The Most Weight In 3 Weeks (Healthily And Naturally)

By on Aug 27, 2017

 There’s no denying that losing weight healthily is very important; if you can achieve it naturally too, that makes it even better.

 The idea is to try to find a creative and effective way to eliminate all those health problems, associated with the extra weight, from your life in a natural manner.

 Usually, it’s not that tricky to find a healthy, customizable diet that works great for you. In general, you need to be focused on improving your way of living and what you choose to put inside you (eating or drinking), all while making some rather important changes to your overall health. Once you do that, you will see that nothing is impossible.

 With that in mind, in this article you will find some great ways to boost your weight loss effort, and lose at least 9 pounds (4.08 kgs) of your body fat in just 21 days, in a healthy, natural manner.

 Let’s get started!

  1. Stop Drinking Caffeine and Alcohol

 Even if they seem great for you in the moment, these are not that good for you in the long term.

 Caffeine causes addiction, and so does alcohol. Plus, they dehydrate you and that’s the type of thing you want to avoid.

 You can easily replace them with water. After all, water offers you better hydration and it’s free of calories too. Plus, it helps you shed fat naturally, since you stay hydrated without adding any type of calories in your body.

 Make sure that you drink as much water as you can, as it’s crucial to maintain a good sense of hydration in your body. As long as you do that, you will be more than ok with the results in the long term.

  2. Eliminate Junk Food from your Diet

 A thing to note about junk food is that despite being tasty, it can be very hard to process inside your body.

 Your body will not appreciate the high amount of sugar, grease and fat found in these foods.

 So yes, if you want to lose weight fast, you will need to make sure that you remove all of these foods from the equation as fast as you can.

 Just by making this choice, you will see great improvement in your overall results, and your health will certainly improve significantly; and a good health, after all, is what you want to have at all costs.

 Minimizing processed foods in your diet and eating fresh and healthy is also the first of “The 7 Commandment Of Smart Dieting“.

  3. Remove White Carbs from your Food

 White carb-related foods, like cookies and pasta, are rather damaging for you as a whole.

 What you need to focus on here is to make sure that you remove (or, at the least, minimize) pasta and cookies from your diet.

 And while at it, try to stay away from potatoes, rice, bread, as well as things like ice cream, chips, donuts and cakes.

 All of these foods include a significant portion of white carbs, that you should avoid as much as you can.

 This really works to your own advantage, which is the crucial aspect to focus on after all.

 White carbs are usually processed and refined. They are easy to overeat, less filling, making you get hungry again faster, and provide little nutritional value other than calories.

 You can read more about white foods in this article from webMD: “The Truth About White Foods”.

  4. Opt for the, Practically, “Negative” Calorie Food

 This type of food includes things like cabbage, green beans, garlic, cucumber, celery as well as cauliflower, asparagus and beet root.

 When it comes to fruits, you can opt for grapefruit, oranges, lemons, raspberries as well as watermelons, tomatoes and limes, among others.

 These foods are called “negative-calorie” because they have such a low calorie or energy density that, at one time, they were considered to require more energy to be digested than they provided, i.e., they were supposed to have a negative calorific impact as a whole.

 While these foods may not really be “negative-calorie”, their reduced energy density, resulting from their low-fat content and high-fiber content, still provides a great opportunity / advantage when it comes to weight loss. 

 Consuming “negative” calorie food, then, will be very helpful, since you get many health benefits while, also, getting weight loss benefits (due to the very low-calorie intake) that, as a whole, can be very significant.

 It’s a delightful opportunity and one that does tend to pay off really well (if you add these foods to your diet).

  5. Lean Protein Foods

 These are crucial, because you not only get to have the necessary amount of protein in your diet, you don’t have to worry about getting fat either.

 The idea is to stay away from pork or beef, instead opt for foods like chicken (except for the skin) and fish.

 These lean protein foods have plenty of protein, but they also have little “bad” (saturated and trans) fat content and less calories, and they are incredible to have in your day to day diet.

  6. Opt for Smaller Portions

 The concept here is to eat at specific times during the day and, while there, to make sure that you opt for smaller portions.

 Actually, smaller portions is, probably, not the right description; the better description is properly-sized portions that are not bigger than they should. The important thing here is not to intake more calories than what is appropriate for your body type.

 You could have 3 to 6 meals a day, but, especially if you opt for the greater number of meals, you should be careful to properly size your meals. More meals, obviously, means less quantity for each meal and the opposite.

 So, the total calories you receive each day (and the quality of your food) is what counts.

 And, whatever you do, make sure you always eat breakfast. The importance of eating quality breakfast every day can not be emphasized enough.

 Paying attention to your meal portion sizes, then, will make you eat the right amount of food, and, this way, you can lose more weight than you may imagine.

  7. Track Calories and Eat Less Food, but More Often

 This may not sound like a good idea at first, but, if you think about it, eating less and in multiple sessions can help you feel less hungry throughout the day and, thus, make it easier for you to control what you eat.

 Since many smaller meals can still add up to the total calorie intake you should make sure to keep track of your total calorie intake.

 The key is to know how to track and handle all of this as it better suits you.

 It’s a nice approach to have, and one that does tend to work amazingly well in the long run.

  8. Avoid Eating in Town

 Restaurant food and / or fast food are tasty, but they don’t have or retain the nutrients that you want.

 If you cook your own food, it is much easier to control the amount and quality of what you eat. The results can be very interesting and downright unique and exciting in the end.


 Try to follow these guidelines and the experience, concerning your end results, will indeed be the very best you can get.

 You will not only look and feel much better, you will also be much healthier.

 Since there are so many apps that can help you track and overcome all the obstacles to weight loss, you may want to opt for one or more of those. You can adapt your diet and keep track of your calorie intake, quite effectively, with the help of such an application; you can even keep yourself motivated. So, this is certainly something to consider.

 Stay committed to a specific diet and eating schedule. The same goes when it comes to working out. Speaking of which, you do need to exercise during this period. It doesn’t have to be intense and it has to be adjusted to your own personal condition and fitness level, but every diet will work a lot better if you choose to combine it with an appropriate workout routine. It may be a bit tricky to do that in the beginning, if you are not used to working out regularly, but it’s also the way to have the best outcome ultimately.

 If you want to lose weight naturally, quickly and easily, taking advantage of a complete, easy-to-follow system, then don’t hesitate and give the “Custom Keto Diet” a shot right now. This is a program that guides you step-by-step and helps you remove all unwanted obstacles to weight loss from your life. Following this program consistently can be one truly amazing, life-changing, body-shaping experience. Use it to your advantage and you will enjoy the results!

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