Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono (S.I.T.H.)
“We all have an eraser incorporated within us, a delete key, but we forget how to use it. Ho’oponopono helps us to remember the power that we have to choose between erasing (letting go) or reacting, being happy or suffering. It is only a matter of choice in every moment of our lives.”
― The Easiest Way
As stated on, “Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH) is an updated Hawaiian problem-solving process to release memories that are experienced as problems. SITH was created and developed by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au.”
The aim is to reach what is called, the state of zero, where you are free from experiences and memories in your subconscious.
These experiences, from your past, and their “recordings” in your subconscious, may be defining your life in the background, without your awareness, creating problems, causing anxiety, and holding you back from truly knowing yourself, realizing your potential, and experiencing the joy that comes from it.
In other words, you could say that by reaching the state of zero, you are making yourself “empty”, you are purifying yourself, making yourself “clean”.
You could imagine a whiteboard with several scribblings.
Through time the older ones have become unclear, incomprehensible, and forgotten, but they are still there, affecting the newer scribblings on top of them. Now picture erasing all these scribblings so that you have a clean, white surface, like new.
What remains is your true, pure self; ready to live in the present moment and absorb new information.
To reach this state of zero, and clean yourself from past experiences, you need to go through a process.
Forgiveness is at the center of this process. Characteristically, the Ho’oponopono mantra is, “I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You.“
The goal is freedom from anxiety, freedom from your thoughts, old data, the voice in your head whose constant chatter steals your peace away. At this state, inspiration can come to you again.
You can learn how to clean yourself, and reach the state of zero by applying this process here.
Emma is our awesome “Personal Growth – Personal Development” section manager and also the manager of our “Inspiration – Motivation – Transformation” Newsletter. Emma is passionate about helping people achieve the goals they truly want and seek in life, and realize their dreams. There is nothing more exciting than writing about the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, and how to acquire them.